Put on and Adjust a Dog Diaper or Belly Band

Male and Female Dog Diapers

Teaching your dog to stay put while putting a diaper on him, or her, can be challenging. If you have a dog that is calm and comfortable being handled putting on a diaper may seem like a delightful attention. Don't panic or give up if your dog does not take to the doggie diaper or belly band right off the bat! He, or she, will soon get comfortable with this process with the use of patience, practice, and positive reinforcement training!

  • Approach your dog at a time when both you and your dog are calm.
  • You can make your dog less anxious by taking this process slow and using lots of treats during the process of putting the diaper on.
  • If your dog is frightened by the process or becomes upset when you approach with dog diaper, click here for more tips
    • Always start when you and your dog are calm and happy. If at any step your dog becomes stressed or afraid, take a break and come back.
    • If needed start your training at an extremely easy level, such as placing your dog diaper or belly band on the floor and rewarding your dog simply for sniffing the diaper or belly band.
    • Hold the diaper or belly band in your outstretched hand. If your dog sniffs it reward him with a treat and a "good dog". Repeat several times, holding the diaper and/or laying it near.
      If your dog is skittish about the Velcro repeatedly press together and pull apart the Velcro straps and treat dog when he, or she, sits calmly.
    • Calmly move the diaper or belly band toward your dog. Reward him, or her, for standing in place as you gently place the item against his, or her, side.
    • Once your dog is comfortable with the diaper, or belly band, being near and touching him lay it over his, or her, back for a couple of seconds and reward him, or her, for standing calmly.
    • If you are using a belly band, continue on with steps below.
    • With your dog standing touch the diaper to different parts of his, or her, back legs and tail until he, or she, is more comfortable with the feel of the diaper. You are now ready to put on a dog diaper!
  • Have the dog stand in a relaxed position. Stand by your dog's rump. For the first wearing, a second person standing at the dog's head and distracting with treats can be helpful while you position the diaper.
  • If you are using a belly band, gently position the band under the dog's waist, bring open ends together on back then fasten the Velcro strap securely, but not tightly. Success! Remember to reward your dog for staying calm.
  • If you are using a dog diaper, gently slide diaper up his, or her, tail with the Velcro facing down and towards back. Slowly and confidently wrap the Velcro'd end under the tummy and up the sides of your dog.

    Fasten the Velcro so that the diaper is snug, but not tight. Success! Remember to reward your dog for staying calm.
  • If your dog tries to wiggle out of the diaper once it is on, try to interrupt, and then reward him or her for calmness once he stops.

Homemade Chicken Jerky Treats

These wholesome treats add tail wagging to putting on dog diapers.

  • Preheat oven to 170°F
  • Lightly grease cookie sheet. Use a sheet with a small edge.
  • Slice chicken breast no more than 1/4&inch; thick.* Cut with grain for a chewier jerky.
  • Place strips on cookie sheet.
  • Bake for 2 hours, turning strips 1/2 through cooking time.
  • Check for dryness. You may need to cook the strips up to 4 hours for complete dryness, depending on thickness of strips.
  • When dry, remove from oven and put on drying rack.
  • When treats are completely cool, bag in zip-top bags. Treats will last up to 3 days in fridge, 6 months in freezer.

*Note: to make the chicken breast easier to slice freeze for 15 minutes.

No elastic to bind or chafe.

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